If you have a child that would benefit from support in our dance classes, this community-based program could be of help to you! Just let us know if you have arranged for a support staff from ARISE to attend classes with your child so we can inform our teachers.
ARISE (A Recreational Inclusion Support Endeavor)
Children with disabilities in the St. Cloud area attend schools with their peers and the community as a whole. Recognizing that a child's day does not end when the school day ends, ARISE (A Recreational Inclusion Support Endeavor) provides support for children with disabilities so they can access community recreation and leisure activities with their peers.
ARISE serves children and young adults (birth to 21) with any type of disability. Participants must reside in Stearns, Benton or Sherburne Counties, within a 30 mile radius of St. Cloud. ARISE coordinators work with families to determine the needs of each child and to personalize services. They determine if services can be provided based on the availability of qualified staff.
ARISE staff work with school and community-based programs to help children participate in activities outside the school day. (Daycare and religious education programs are not included.) ARISE will also provide inservice training for agency/staff.
ARISE began in 1989 with a grant from Vinland National Center. Funded in part by the United Way of Central Minnesota, ARISE also relies on grants, donations and special events for support.
Quarryview Education Center
800 S. Seventh St.
Waite Park, MN 56387
Phone: 320-370-8204